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Start Playback

How It Works

In the terms of video stream playback the engine acts as a gateway between P2P network and video player:

  • the player "tells" the engine which stream should be played and which output format should be used
  • the engine connects to the P2P network, downloads the stream data from other peers and reassembles it to the specified output format (e.g. MPEG TS)
  • the player receives the stream from the engine over HTTP

Input Parameters

Input parameters are divided in two groups:

  • what should be played (required)
  • extended configuration options (optional)

In this section we'll describe only the first group. You can read about all available options in the API Reference.

To start playback the engine needs to know which broadcast to connect to. The broadcast is uniquely identified by the transport file, but in practice you can start playback without explicitly passing the transport file to the engine. There are four possible options and you must specify one of them:

Parameter Description
content_id Content ID of the stream
infohash Infohash of the stream
url URL of the transport file
magnet Magnet link

These parameters are mutually exclusive and are parsed in the same order as in the table above. This means that if you specify both content_id and infohash parameters only content_id will be used.

Output Format

The engine supports two output formats:

  • HLS

The format is selected by using the corresponding endpoint.

To receive the stream in MPEG TS:

# Endpoint
GET /ace/getstream

# Example

To receive the stream in HLS:

# Endpoint
GET /ace/manifest.m3u8

# Example

Using Middleware

We advise using middleware to start playback.

Middleware is a software that acts as a bridge between video player and the engine. If you're a player developer then the middleware most likely will be embedded in the player itself.

In the examples above the engine will output the video stream directly in the response. For example:

$ curl -L ""

It means that the URL that is used to start playback can be passed directly to the player.

The downside of this approach is that you don't have control over the playback session. Using the middleware gives you such control and you can:

  • explicitly stop the playback session
  • get the info about playback session (number of connected peers, download and upload speed etc)

In the middleware you should add format=json parameter. The engine will start the playback session and give you links to control the session:

$ curl ""
  "response": {
    "playback_url": "",
    "stat_url": "",
    "command_url": "",
    "infohash": "0a4848271c91ce2d8965ce416267c25047dc8141",
    "playback_session_id": "e0d10c40465de696c0222ffa815edace0635b86a",
    "is_live": 1,
    "is_encrypted": 0,
    "client_session_id": -1
  "error": null

The most important fields in the response:

  • playback_url - the URL of video stream. It should be passed to the player.
  • stat_url - this URL returns the information about the playback session
  • command_url - this URL is used to stop the playback session. To do this you should add method=stop parameter to this URL. NOTE: you're not required to stop the session. The engine will stop it automatically if the player stops reading the stream. But the good practice is to stop the session explicitly.

Other fields are described in the API Reference.


# stop playback session
$ curl ""
  "response": "ok",
  "error": null

# get session info
$ curl ""
  "response": {
    "uploaded": 491520,
    "network_monitor_status": 0,
    "debug_level": 0,
    "disk_cache_stats": {
      "avail": 3199156224,
      "disk_cache_limit": 2266017044,
      "inactive_inuse": 0,
      "active_inuse": 38010982
    "speed_down": 257,
    "speed_up": 29,
    "network_monitor_started": false,
    "selected_stream_index": 0,
    "total_progress": 0,
    "stream_status": -1,
    "client_session_id": -1,
    "status": "dl",
    "downloaded": 3276800,
    "manifest_access_mode": -1,
    "peers": 4,
    "playback_session_id": "15ad634c7ed4deb28045e641c825adcebe5b5f27",
    "is_encrypted": 0,
    "is_live": 1,
    "infohash": "0a4848271c91ce2d8965ce416267c25047dc8141",
    "selected_file_index": -1,
    "livepos": {
      "last": "1639986704",
      "live_first": "1639984904",
      "pos": "1639986704",
      "first_ts": "1639984904",
      "last_ts": "1639986704",
      "is_live": "1",
      "live_last": "1639986704",
      "buffer_pieces": "30"
  "error": null

Playback session info fields

Name Type Description
status enum Playback session status. Values: prefuf, dl.
peers int Number of connected peers
speed_down int Download speed (Kbytes/s)
speed_up int Upload speed (Kbytes/s)
downloaded int Total downloaded (bytes)
uploaded int Total uploaded (bytes)